Saturday, November 25, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Weekly Links (weekly)
EdTechTeam Teaching and Learning Live: Digital Citizenship - YouTube
Great webinar on #DigitalCitizenship from #EdTechTeam Live with @tracypoelzer @alicebarr @BWhitlowEdTech
Starting our foray into micro mammals with the Min
tags: playfullearning windowviewfavs
Starting our foray into micro mammals with the Mini-Moose. What would you do with a Mini-Moose? #playfullearning
Today's #EduForum_2017 keynote slides: "Inspiring Student Creativity & Curiosity with Media"…
tags: EduForum_2017 windowviewfavs
They're on your phone. They're in a movie. And yes, they're in @googledocs, #GoogleDrawings & #GoogleSlides too.
Unreal! Now working on the other coast @MisterCMaine picks up the phone early this AM to help #PondCoveSchool get r…
tags: PondCoveSchool windowviewfavs
Yes, that is an iphone! The App Inventor team is work on iOS for App Inventor, but we need your help. Please help u…
tags: windowviewfavs
Educational Leadership:Citizens in the Making:Classroom Discourse as Civil Discourse
"Classroom Discourse as Civil Discourse"
tags: civildiscourse
We are going live at the top of the hour talking about Digital Citizenship with @tracypoelzer @bwhitlowedtech…
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Control Alt Achieve: Turkey Templates for Thanksgiving Creativity and Writing
Gobble up this Thanksgiving #GoogleSlides activity with your class, via @bethkingsley13:
tags: GoogleSlides windowviewfavs
Have curriculum docs in a shared Drive? #GoogleClassroom now makes copies of files as you assign them.…
App Smash #Screencastify & #FlipGrid to have kids share their own screencasts with their classmates! @GoogleForEdu…
10 frequently used sketchnoting icons - YouTube
tags: sketchnote sketchnoting
It’s generally a bad idea to “hack the Pentagon” – but thanks to a DoD program I’ve pushed for, hackers are helping…
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How to Design Google PD That Works! | Shake Up Learning
tags: ProfessionalDevelopment googletools usmepc586 gsuite GSuiteEDU
Google Earth comes to the classroom with new educational tours and lesson plans | TechCrunch
Google Earth comes to the classroom with new educational tours and lesson plans
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Looking forward to my first #ETTsummit & presenting alongside some outstanding educators & human beings…
tags: ETTsummit windowviewfavs
Help turn the light bulb on over your students when it comes to the importance of digital skills…
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Home: Teaching and Learning Webinar: Digital Citizenship
Join #EdTechTeam explore resources & ideas to educate & empower students RSVP here…
tags: EdTechTeam windowviewfavs
10 of The Best Tools for Creating Digital Quizzes ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
10 of The Best Tools for Creating Digital Quizzes #edtech
tags: edtech windowviewfavs
Digital Citizenship – An Ethical Island
tags: digitalcitizenship
Show-and-tell turned interact-and-discover with #ExpeditionsAR. Sign up for the Pioneer Program today:…
tags: ExpeditionsAR windowviewfavs
Collaboration? Copy that! Now in Docs, Sheets & Slides you can choose to copy over comments & suggestions. Read mor…
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Thank you @clear_h2 Jay Plamer and @MaineBiotech An amazing day of Ss immersed in Biotechnology. @YarmouthHMS…
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Thursday, November 16, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Weekly Links (weekly)
#DeviceFreeDinner - Two Percent - YouTube
Device Free Dinner
#DeviceFreeDinner - Cat Filter :30 - YouTube
Device Free Dinner
device free dinner will ferrell - YouTube
Device Free Dinner
Device Free Dinner
It is going to be great! "How Might We K-12: Empathy Fueled Problem Solving in Schools" with @WickedDecent and me…
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tags: windowviewfavs
Today, we're taking the iHub Roadshow to Maillard
tags: windowviewfavs
Today, we're taking the iHub Roadshow to Maillard Middle.
Such a cool moment! One of my former fifth graders received a #Disney grant for her #20Time project! So proud!…
tags: Disney 20Time windowviewfavs
Control Alt Achieve: 800+ Fantastic Fonts for Google Projects
800+ Fantastic Fonts for Google Projects #GSuiteEDU #edtech
tags: hourofcode
@alicebarr @TinaKpat @gcampokc Here's the main @GcampOKC #GcampOKC presentation & resource shared folder #googleEDU
tags: GcampOKC googleEDU windowviewfavs
@alicebarr @TinaKpat @gcampokc per usual w/ #googleEDU events it's been overwhelming, but in a good way... Many, ma…
tags: googleEDU windowviewfavs
@alicebarr @TinaKpat @gcampokc Thanks Alice. It was super cool to bring you in virtually & asynchronously today. Ma…
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tags: GcampOKC windowviewfavs
Woo hoo! @alicebarr is in the house at #GcampOKC @gcampokc via her @Flipgrid “Google Glimpse”
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
Digital Bingo For Technology PD
Saturday, November 04, 2017
Weekly Links (weekly)
Attending #GcampOKC today? Save our session grid Google Sheet link to your mobile device for quick reference!…
tags: GcampOKC windowviewfavs
@gcampokc @alicebarr Hi @alicebarr! I will be meeting your friend @wfryer tomorrow. I will also be presenting…
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3 Images to Further the #InnovatorsMindset – The Principal of Change
3 Images to Further the #InnovatorsMindset via @gcouros
@alicebarr Thanks Alice! Great tip :-) #GcampOKC #googleEDU
tags: GcampOKC googleEDU windowviewfavs
So proud of my team! :) via @sunjournal
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Exploring different note taking platforms with ele
tags: edtechchat windowviewfavs
Exploring different note taking platforms with elem Ss. Purposeful testing and reflecting. #edtechchat
A7 #Slides to be able to export as a video file. Similar to the way Keynote/PPT can be exported on a Mac as .mov…
tags: Slides windowviewfavs
Preparations for the walk!
tags: NoStomachForCancer ghscommunity windowviewfavs
Preparations for the #NoStomachForCancer walk! #ghscommunity
The 4 P's of Creative Learning - Projects - YouTube
Watch new video on project-based learning, shot at LEGO House, for our Learning Creative Learning online course
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Thanks to our custodial/maintenance crew and the s
tags: windowviewfavs
Thanks to our custodial/maintenance crew and the staff at Yarmouth Community Services for getting our schools and grounds ready for today!
The "Google Docs" are in the house today htt
tags: nwsummit halloween edtechteam windowviewfavs
The "Google Docs" are in the house today @IPAHawaii @edtechteam #nwsummit #halloween @GoogleForEdu #edtechteam
To those in Maine dealing with
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To those in Maine dealing with downed trees and loss of power – stay safe. Thankful to first responders and power crews for their hard work.
Quick Classroom Exercises to Combat Stress | Edutopia
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Psyched to be facilitating #empathy classroom & #MinecraftEDU sessions at #ettsummit Register…
I passed my end of program test. I could not be m
tags: FutureReadyLibrarian windowviewfavs
I passed my end of program test. I could not be more thrilled!! #FutureReadyLibrarian
“Speed dating” for the Cell Harmony project in CP bio. “I think we just have 2 b friends b/c there r better matche…
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The Engineering Design Process: A Middle School Approach
Talk about science and science teaching
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5 EASY Techie Ideas for Digital Citizenship Activities - The Techie Teacher
tags: digitalcitizenship
Biointeractive Homepage | HHMI BioInteractive
tags: curriculum:science
- excellent science site with explanations and many visuals; interesting site design - post by Julia Lesage
- Warning: Promotes embryonic stem cell research - post by Kris AtHomeScience
How School Leaders Can Attend to the Emotional Side of Change | MindShift | KQED News
tags: summertech2018 reading usmepc586