Sunday, July 30, 2017
Summer Technology Class
This year's class was new and so it always takes awhile to get in to the flow. I like to tweak and make sure I am staying on their pace. I am forever rearranging the agenda because I want to make sure I try to meet everyone's needs. The days are usually structured so that we do an EdCafe in the morning, followed by some instruction, and then work time. The EdCafe is my favorite part. I learned about EdCafe by going to EdCamp Boston a few years ago. I assign 2 articles for reading. There are 2 leaders each day (this changes depending on the number in the class). They each choose a question, topic, or wonder based on the reading and then ask others to join them in a conversation. The conversations take place for about 20 minutes. Then it's back to the classroom for a "Brain Dump". Each student has a document that's assigned in Google Classroom. They write for 20 quiet minutes about what they've learned during the EdCafe and how it relates to their teaching. Later, the Brain Dumps get shared and classmates can comment on each others ideas. It's powerful learning and process time and it makes me realize how little teachers get to do it. One student wrote in her evaluation "I loved all of the examples that were shared and the discussions that we had. Its rare that educators have the time to discuss as much as we did this week. There were lots of opportunities to ask questions and share ideas." What would our school look like if we had more reflection time built in?
I have lots of ideas for next year. It's so exciting to see what teachers create! Thanks to the wonderful class of learners!
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Weekly Links (weekly)
tags: instagram widget blogsupport
Thrilled for @edtechteam to be a part of the Dynamic Learning Project with @GoogleForEdu #DLPCoaching…
tags: DLPCoaching windowviewfavs
If you don't know @alicebarr you should! One of Maine's #edurockstars
tags: edurockstars windowviewfavs
My newest book
tags: edtechteam SummerReading windowviewfavs
My newest #edtechteam #SummerReading book @HollyClarkEdu @WickedDecent @amyburvall @IntentionBook
"Half the book is packed with ideas teachers can use immediately"- thanks Alice from Maine for this kind review of…
tags: windowviewfavs
Google Drive Tip: Use hashtags in file names to quickly find what you need, like #template, #quiz, etc #techtips…
tags: template quiz techtips windowviewfavs
PD needs to be active and on-going
tags: schoologyNEXT windowviewfavs
PD needs to be active and on-going #schoologyNEXT
Teachers Shouldn't Work in Isolation. Kids Need a Team. - Work in Progress - Education Week Teacher
Teachers Shouldn't Work in Isolation, Kids Need a Team via @mssackstein
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Great to see you and your team today, Alice!
tags: windowviewfavs
@alicebarr @Google Great to see you and your team today, Alice!
Looking forward to learning more about #digcit at the Google Cambridge office with @alicebarr and @CathyWolinsky…
tags: digcit windowviewfavs
Long Live the '90s:Edtech Craz
Long Live the '90s:Edtech Crazes Every Teacher & Student Secretly Wishes Were Still Around:…
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Saturday, July 22, 2017
Weekly Links (weekly)
Roasted-Beet Salad With Goat Cheese and Walnuts Recipe - NYT Cooking
tags: recipe
Broccoli Stir-Fry With Chicken and Mushrooms Recipe - NYT Cooking
tags: recipe
Mushroom Stir-Fry Recipe - NYT Cooking
tags: recipe
Amanda Cohen’s Secret-Weapon Stir-Fry Sauce Recipe - NYT Cooking
"see the recipe here"
tags: recipe
Vegetable Fried Rice Recipe - NYT Cooking
tags: recipe
What is an EdCafe? – EdCafe in the Classroom
EdCafe in the Classroom-- ❤ #edcamp so I know I would ❤ #edcafe #shiftthis @JoyKirr @katrinakennett
tags: edcamp edcafe shiftthis windowviewfavs
@YarmouthSchools Counting down to September and getting our learn on w/ Maine educators! See you then! @alicebarr…
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Structured screwing around with at
tags: explolive CIEInstitute2017 windowviewfavs
Structured screwing around with #explolive at #CIEInstitute2017
It's evolutionary: the more we play, the more we're able to deal with complex stimuli. #PLAYMORE @Thomas_CIE…
tags: PLAYMORE windowviewfavs
Power of writing, collab, & creativity strong
tags: smwp windowviewfavs
@southernmainewp Power of writing, collab, & creativity strong in southern ME #smwp
& happening at
tags: rigorouswhimsy criticalcreativity CIEInstitute2017 intentionthebookchat edchatme windowviewfavs
#rigorouswhimsy & #criticalcreativity happening at #CIEInstitute2017 @IntentionBook #intentionthebookchat #edchatme
Practicing productive play: problem-solving, creat
tags: CIEInstitute2017 windowviewfavs
Practicing productive play: problem-solving, creativity, collaboration #CIEInstitute2017 @Thomas_CIE
Shift in what skills will be the focus globally fo
tags: cieInstitute2017 windowviewfavs
Shift in what skills will be the focus globally for 2020 #cieInstitute2017 @Thomas_CIE
Collaboration is a beautiful thing- RSU19 interdis
tags: CIEInstitute2017 windowviewfavs
Collaboration is a beautiful thing- RSU19 interdisciplinary unit on sustainability and consumption #CIEInstitute2017
So my pristine copy is with me, as well. Too challenging for me to write in books. (yet) #intentionthebook…
Four questions that Tim McNamara encourages everyo
tags: CIEInstitute2017 windowviewfavs
Four questions that Tim McNamara encourages everyone to frequently ask themselves and each other. #CIEInstitute2017
Tim McNamara "Assessment is the presentation of
tags: micdropmoment CIEInstitute2017 edchatme sblchat windowviewfavs
Tim McNamara #micdropmoment @ThomasCIE #CIEInstitute2017 "Assessment is the presentation of learning." Let that sink in. #edchatme #sblchat
Representing at
tags: ISTE17 edchatme windowviewfavs
Representing @ACTEM at #ISTE17 #edchatme
Tim McNamara at Weaving a Tapestry of Learning htt
tags: CIEInstitute2017 windowviewfavs
#CIEInstitute2017 Tim McNamara at Weaving a Tapestry of Learning
Ready for three days of design and innovative thin
tags: CIEInstitute2017 edchatme windowviewfavs
Ready for three days of design and innovative thinking #CIEInstitute2017 @ThomasCIE #edchatme
Looking forward to a great day at with https:
tags: CIEInstitute2017 innovation learning windowviewfavs
Looking forward to a great day at #CIEInstitute2017 @Thomas_CIE with @cmtoy #innovation #learning
The Tech Curve: The Tech Sherpas interviewed on Maine Public Television
Latest Post: The Tech Sherpas interviewed on Maine Public Television
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Thank you alice! This has been a fabulous experien
tags: windowviewfavs
@alicebarr Thank you alice! This has been a fabulous experience! @ysdchat
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@lauraspellman6 @alicebarr A4: wow#ysdchat
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
@alicebarr Thanks Alice. #ysdchat
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
A4 seedlings #ysdchat
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
a4 WOW #ysdchat
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
a4: brilliant #ysdchat
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
A4: inspiring #ysdchat
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
A4: Mind-blowing! #ysdchat
A3: I will use EdPuzzle to require students to int
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
A3: I will use EdPuzzle to require students to interact more with SmartHistory videos for art annotations. #ysdchat
A3: I will ask them to reflect on comments I have
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
A3: I will ask them to reflect on comments I have made. Instead of only reflecting on their experiences. They will do both. #ysdchat
Glad! Here at #ISTE17 but missing my friends #NotatISTE
tags: ISTE17 NotatISTE windowviewfavs
In schools, if it doesn't align with your vision,
tags: ISTE17 NotAtISTE ISTETransforms windowviewfavs
In schools, if it doesn't align with your vision, why do you do it? @chrislehmann #ISTE17 #NotAtISTE #ISTETransforms
You might want to take a look at FlipGrid.
tags: ysdchat windowviewfavs
@karenmarier11 You might want to take a look at FlipGrid. #ysdchat
Three shifts in learning via ISTE CEO Culatta:
Three shifts in learning via ISTE CEO Culatta: #iste17
tags: iste17 windowviewfavs
tags: ISTE17 NotatISTE windowviewfavs
#ISTE17 #NotatISTE Thanks for a great Ignite @sarahdateechur !
ALL MEMBERS will have ALL SESSIONS available on
tags: ISTE ISTE17 notatiste17 windowviewfavs
ALL #ISTE MEMBERS will have ALL #ISTE17 SESSIONS available on video in August. # #notatiste17
PAY ATTENTION! just said YOU PICK an entire day o
tags: iste18 iste17 notatiste17 windowviewfavs
PAY ATTENTION! @isteconnects just said YOU PICK an entire day of sessions for #iste18... stay tuned December 2017. #iste17 #notatiste17
You are in our hearts!
tags: notatISTE17 iste17 windowviewfavs
#notatISTE17 #iste17 @pgeorge You are in our hearts!
Free Technology for Teachers: Blogs in the Age of Google Classroom
Blogs in the Age of Google Classroom
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Peer to Peer learning at Digital Learning Day!
tags: edcamp spsdld2017 windowviewfavs
Peer to Peer learning at Digital Learning Day! #edcamp #spsdld2017
The Absolutely Epic Restorative Justice Padlet
tags: restorativejustice
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Weekly Links (weekly)
Copy of Google Site Digital Portfolio - Google Docs
tags: hyperdocs digitalportfolio
Using HyperDocs in Class - Kids Discover
tags: hyperdocs
How to use Google tools in Project-Based Learning - Daily Genius
Getting Started with Google Draw - Teacher Tech
tags: googledraw
Google Classroom Discussion Board.pdf - Google Drive
tags: googleclassroom
Skype Jobs for Students | Silvia Tolisano- Langwitches Blog
tags: googlehangout mysteryhangout SKYPE
Assessment of Learning via Skype | Silvia Tolisano- Langwitches Blog
tags: googlehangout mysteryhangout
tags: googlehangout mysteryhangout
Mystery Hangout/Skype Questions - Google Slides
tags: googlehangout mysteryhangout
tags: googlehangout mysteryhangout
About Mystery Skypes/Hangouts and why we need more | Ditch That Textbook
tags: skype googlehangout
Copy of *Turbo Charge Docs w/Add-Ons - Google Slides
tags: addons googledocs googlesheets
Google Forms Part1 - Basics of Form Creation - YouTube
tags: googleforms
May The Forms Be With You! - Going from Padawan to Jedi Master in Google Forms - Google Slides
tags: googleforms
The Amazing Race - Google Style - MSTA 2015 - Google Slides
tags: googlemaps
May The Forms Be With You! - Going from Padawan to Jedi Master in Google Forms - Google Slides
tags: googleforms
Saturday, July 08, 2017
Saturday, July 01, 2017
Weekly Links (weekly)
Flippin' Fake News Resources Priest - Google Docs
tags: fakenews medialiteracy digitalcitizenship news #cieinstitute2017
The Epic Guide to Student Ownership - A.J. JULIANI
tags: studentcenteredlearning usmepc586 reading ProfessionalDevelopment
Getting Started with PBE – Workshop Resources | Student Learning Guru - Mike Muir Consulting
tags: proficiency cieInstitute2017
22 Powerful Closure Activities | Edutopia
tags: usmepc586 assessment pedagogy closure tools
Fusion 360 | Free Software for Students, Educators | Autodesk
tags: CAD design cieInstitute2017
Weaving the tapestry of learning – Magazine by Katie Rybakova – Canva
tags: cieInstitute2017
Interactive Content and Mulitmedia
"The most difficult and time consuming part of creating a HyperDoc, in my opinion, is finding the content to engage your students in the learning process."
tags: hyperdocs
HyperDoc Handbook Template Companion - Google Docs
goes with the templates in the book
Technology Task/App Challenges for Teachers - ThingLink
tags: speedgeek usmepc586 tools web2.0tools
ISTE | Standards For Educators
tags: iste standards teachers usmepc586 ProfessionalDevelopment
Standards-Aligned Genius Hour | Edutopia
tags: standards usmepc586 reading Geniushour
Summer Project – Getting Started with Hyperdocs – Shawn Beard – The TechyCoach
tags: hyperdocs
Knowledge vs. Access to Knowledge – The Principal of Change
tags: usmepc586 reading innovation
Catch the Flipgrid fever! 15+ ways to use Flipgrid in your class | Ditch That Textbook
Alan November Shares A Mind Blowing New Idea in Assessment @coolcatteacher
tags: assessment reading usmepc586