Step by Step: Designing Personalized Learning Experiences For Students | MindShift
Student Designed Infographics: Process & Products | Catlin Tucker, Honors English Teacher
Mindshift: Guide to Digital Games and Learning
Introduction: Getting in the GameChapter 1: What the Research Says About Games and Screen TimeChapter 2: How to Start Using Digital Games for LearningChapter 3: How to Choose a Digital Learning GameChapter 4: Overcoming Obstacles for Using Digitial Games in the ClassroomChapter 5: How Teachers Are Using Games in the Classroom
Lasting Relationships Rely On 2 Traits - Business Insider
"Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and generosity."
so happy asked to host a . Thanks You have mad
so happy @alicebarr asked #falmouth to host a #googlesummit. Thanks @bruno9931 You have made a great #deposit in my bank of good will.
Thx for following Looking forward to sharing
Thx for following @alicebarr @toddnelmes @ctak10 @dvorakravitz @principledlady Looking forward to sharing insight & resources!
Free Technology for Teachers: How to Create a Jeopardy-style Game in Google Spreadsheets
The Power of Digital Storytelling, With Kathy Schrock (plus a Zillion Resources!)
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
Bloom's 'Digital' Taxonomy - Printable Reference Table
tags: bloomstaxonomy
A Comprehensive Guide to Content Curation
tags: curation
4 Tips for Sorting in Google Sheets | Teacher Tech
tags: Googlesheets
Step 4: Teach Quality Commenting Skills | Edublogs Teacher Challenges
tags: comment blogsupport
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Teaching Coding in Class: 17 Apps to Try
tags: coding programming HourOfCode
Google Forms Cheat Sheet for Teachers - Shake Up Learning
tags: googleforms
The Apps Show presented by Google - YouTube
Short videos for using Google Apps with some specific examples from EDU
tags: googleapps GoogleEducation
OneScreen of Apps for the Chromebook Classroom - ThingLink
tags: Chromeapps chromebooks
Free Technology for Teachers: A Map of Staple Food Crops of the World
Google Apps Admin Training Videos | Google Gooru
tags: googleadmin
EdTechTeam: One Screen of ChromeApps Perfect for the Classroom
Instead, it’s time that we look at apps to find those that help us gain a better look into student thinking and understanding.
tags: chromeapps
Math Tech Tips: New Script that will create Google Forms from questions in a Spreadsheet
tags: googlesheets googleforms Quiz
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
Twitter Community Management Dashboard | Twitter Marketing Tool | Commun.it
Thanks @IntelK12Edu @alicebarr @SpeakUpEd @blancaedu for being top engaged members in my community this week (via http://t.co/vhA7jRc7Ae)
tags: windowviewfavs
tags: windowviewfavs
@alicebarr congrats! How exciting!!
congratulations!!! so envious!!
tags: windowviewfavs
@alicebarr congratulations!!! so envious!!
tags: congratsalice windowviewfavs
“@alicebarr: Very exciting news for our high school and middle school #congratsalice
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
Open sourcing Twitter emoji for everyone | Twitter Blogs
tags: Emoji twitter opensource icons
The Rise of Educator-Entrepreneurs: Bringing Classroom Experience to Ed-Tech | MindShift
tags: Googledrive evidence Exitslips
Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Show What You Know with Media
10 places where anyone can learn to code | TED Blog
tags: Coding programming
2014 Horizon Report Technology Outlook Asia International schools
tags: HorizonReport
Awesome Tables with Hank Thiele- GEG Iowa - YouTube
"Awesome Tables"
The Help Desk: Leveraging Student Genius | Edutopia
"The Help Desk: Leveraging Student Genius"
GDRSD Innovation Lab Course - Google Docs
Student Technology Integration: Innovation Lab Course The Innovation Lab course is a hands on study of technology integration in an educational context. Students will be required to assess problem sets throughout the day and define the best approach to addressing or solving the problem. In addition to solving problems for students and teachers, students will be required to complete and maintain several running projects that address problems or solutions in educational technology integration. The course also asks students to have a prior understanding of Apple OS, Microsoft Windows OS, and the iPad iOS. This course seeks students who are self-motivated learners and use inquiry to drive their exploration and experiment in order to reach greater discovery. It is the one course where failing is an option on occasion.
tags: Innovation makerspace designthinking Course programming
Become a Data Hero: Using Google Forms, Spreadsheets, and Awesome Tables - Google Slides
Become a Data Hero: Using Google Forms, Spreadsheets, and Awesome Tables - Google Slides
tags: chromeextensions chrome
Google-cheat-sheet-7.5X9-updated.png 2,700×2,250 pixels
From Dan Russell
tags: Search searchskills
tags: digitalcitizenship
42 Fill-in-the-Blank Prompts For Students To Design Their Own Projects
tags: digitalcitizenship
eTools for Language Teachers: Creating digital stories with Google Apps
tags: modernlanguage digitalstorytelling Googleapps GoogleEducation
The Secret Powers of Chrome's Address Bar
tags: Chrome
tags: chromeextensions
tags: Googledrive googleearth googleapps assessment googleforms
Saturday, November 01, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
#FF #Eduinnovators @courosa @dougemints @IntelK12E...
tags: FF Eduinnovators windowviewfavs
#FF #Eduinnovators @courosa @dougemints @IntelK12Edu @alicebarr @E_Sheninger @isteconnects @COSN
Google Sheets: Create a Map | Teacher Tech
tags: googlemaps googlesheets
On Screen Time, Rules, and Being a Grown Up
tags: parents digitalcitizenship
Great conversation with re . Ss here are excited
tags: edtech edtechbridge uneedu windowviewfavs
Great conversation with @alicebarr re #edtech. Ss here are excited b/c of ideas shared. #edtechbridge #uneedu
Wow! Great ideas being shared with by tech maven
tags: uneedu edchatme windowviewfavs
Wow! Great ideas being shared with #uneedu by @alicebarr tech maven! #edchatme
Excited for our technology class to connect with
tags: eduune windowviewfavs
Excited for our #eduune technology class to connect with @alicebarr and hear about everything she has to share!!! :)
Announcing ChromeCamp, an Unconference devoted to Chrome & Google in K-12 Edu: Summer 2015! http://t.co/J7SkhPsz3J #chromebookedu #edcamp
What Your Students Really Need to Know About Digital Citizenship | Edutopia
tags: digitalcitizenship
tags: ccdc coding programming
EdTechTeam: How (and Why) to Create Interactive YouTube Videos
"How (and Why) to Create Interactive YouTube Videos"
tags: youtube tutorials gafesummit
The Future of Learning Chrome Apps Perfect for the Chromebook Classroom
tags: chromeextensions chromeapps
FYI only happened because of Twitter.
tags: edcampbgr windowviewfavs
FYI #edcampbgr only happened because of Twitter.