School Wide Rubrics for 21st Century Learning Expectations
Preparing Students For Their Global Future
Digital Literacy Framework for Common Core (Aug 2013
Wes Fryer's presentation at Wells HS 8/28/2013
#seedlings dinner w @alicebarr @cheryloakes50 @GWillikersToys @bobsprankle @ Market Square http://t.co/djD72VcACL
Manual for Desmos Calculator: https://www.desmos.com/
Year of the Solar System: Topics: The Journey Begins: Overview
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Weekly Links (weekly)
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Weekly Links (weekly)
Google Apps for Education Change Management Guide [Public] - Google Drive
tags: GAFE Googleapps Googleeducation
» Tutorial CenterCK-12 Community Site
"Welcome to CK-12 Foundation, a non-profit organization that creates and aggregates high quality, curated STEM content. Our library includes over 5,000 super awesome math and science concepts and FlexBooks with multiple modalities for all learning types including: videos, images, reading, simulations, real world applications, activities, flashcards, study guides, assesments and more!"
Google Apps for Education Change Management Guide [Public]
"Change Management Guide"
tags: GAFE Googleapps Googleeducation
How To Organize Your Research With The Power Of Google Drive
tags: Exitslips
What is Genius Hour? - Integrating Technology: My Journey
tags: Geniushour
Encouraging Play with a Digital Sandbox : Teacher Reboot Camp
tags: Digitalliteracy play web2.0Tools professionaldevelopment
tags: Curriculum:SocialStudies maps
tags: GAFE Googleapps Googleeducation #iste13
Nebraska Change Agent - Using Diigo + Twitter to Deliver a Powerful One-two Punch
tags: GAFE Googleapps Googleeducation #iste13
Here are three ways for teachers to prepare to design learning experiences that encourage higher order thinking through the use of technology as a tool for learning.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Weekly Links (weekly)
Yes, And... Bringing the spirit of improv into the classroom.
tags: icebreakers
9 Alternative Search Engines to Improve Discovery
tags: Search searchengine searchskills
40 Ways to Use Google Apps in the Classroom - Google Drive
tags: Googleapps googleeducation
12 Most Embeddable Social Content Creation Tools
We all create content every day. And we all want to share that content we create with our friends, family and other people online. One simple way to do that is to embed the content you want to share. So if you’re worrying about how you’re going to share, worry no more. Just use these social tools to create your content and then embed and share with your audience.
tags: web2.0Tools Socialmedia
A Guide to the Web's Growing Set of Free Image Collections - Robinson Meyer - The Atlantic
tags: images Clipart free copyright publicdomain
What happens online in 60 seconds? [Infographic] - Qmee
"we’ve found out exactly what happens online in an average minute online and we think you’ll be fairly surprised. Intel also helped us with some additional data to understand that all important minute!"
tags: web2.0Tools
tags: web2.0Tools whiteboard
tags: twitter web2.0Tools
- Un bon complément à Monitter ! (http://monitter.com/) ... - post by fabrice el baou
Making Google Sites look cool - YouTube
tags: googlesites
Each year the ME has gotten me pumped for the upc
tags: gafesummit windowviewfavs
Each year the ME #gafesummit has gotten me pumped for the upcoming school year and all the ways to bring knwldge to the students!
The 9 Best Web Tools Teachers Will Use This Year | Edudemic
tags: web2.0Tools tools
5 Educational Websites Older Students Should Be Using | Edudemic
tags: web2.0Tools highschool
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Weekly Links (weekly)
tags: GAFE google professionaldevelopment googleapps googleeducation
Lots of good stuff from -- I'm so busying applyin
tags: gafesummit windowviewfavs
Lots of good stuff from @alicebarr -- I'm so busying applying the knowledge, unable to tweet! #gafesummit
tags: googledrive googledocs
Twitter is definitely one of the most popular tool for teachers professional development. Education communities are filling the tweeting space #edchat, #edtech are but some examples. It might be because of its simplicity and ease of use that teachers flock to it , others attribute it to the the brevity of its messages but no matter what the reasons are, Twitter has become not only an effective communicational platform for teachers and educators from all around the globe but also an affinity space where these people get to meet each other, talk and discuss current issues in education and most important of all share and learn from each other's expertise.
Tips, tricks and tools for data visualisation: 15 great tools for the job | memeburn
tags: Data graphing visualization Curriculum:math Curriculum:Science
Bobby Shaddox's Digital Portfolio - Bobby Shaddox's Digital Portfolio
tags: googleapps googletools Gafesummit Gafe
tags: GAFE Gafesummit googlesites
2013 ME Summit Presentation Resources (Responses)
tags: GAFE gafesummit resources
Backup Google Data
tags: googleapps backup archive Gafesummit
BPS Student Digital Portfolios
tags: portfolio eportfolio
6 Sites To Get Kids Excited About Google Maps
tags: googlemaps googleearth
Google+ for Schools - by Eric Curts - Google Drive
tags: Google+
ISSUU - Handbook for Information Literacy Teaching - 2011 update by Cardiff University
"This Handbook was written by a group of subject librarians at Cardiff University to support their colleagues in Information Services as they developed their information literacy teaching. Since the appearance of the first edition in 2005, we have received many expressions of interest from outside the University. We are happy for you to use and re-purpose our material; please note that under the terms of our Creative Commons licence, your use of the Handbook is restricted to non-commercial purposes and you are required to acknowledge the source."
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
How will you prepare for your 1:1 classroom this year?
- Twitter Hashtags: Using the search tool in Twitter, you can find some great resources by using a hashtag. You don’t need to have a Twitter account. Hashtags are the words with a # sign in front of them. They help organize the vast amounts of information on Twitter. One of the more popular education hashtags in #edchat, but there are also many hashtags organized around curriculum subjects and grade levels. Here is a list to get you started.
- Blogs: Look over some of the posts in the Microsoft Community blog to get some ideas for the opening days of school. Keep an ongoing journal of ideas.
- Collaborative Projects: Make connections with another teacher in another school (you may have a friend that works in a different district or you can look for international teachers in the Microsoft Community directory online). Try planning an online collaborative project together or join in on one. It can be as simple as comparing two towns to practicing another language with students from another country.
- NETS: Look over the National Educational Technology Standards. How will you promote Digital Age Learning in your classroom?
- Common Core: Many resources are now available for aligning the Common Core using technology.
- Digital Citizenship: Take a look at Common Sense Media. They have great lesson plans for promoting positive digital citizenship and digital literacy.
Cross Posted at Microsoft Partners for Learning: Hot Topics
Saturday, August 03, 2013
Weekly Links (weekly)
tags: Curriculum:math math commoncore
Kim Garst: 4 Reasons Why Social Media Should be Taught in Our School Systems | Diigo
Get Creative And Make Your Own Maps With Custom Layers On The New Google Maps
tags: Googlemaps
To Learn Twice: Managing Sign Off Documents Using Google Forms and Spreadsheets
tags: AUP googleforms spreadsheets
tags: googleforms
tags: Geniushour 20%Time
Tutorial - Collecting Data using Google Docs Forms Have you ever wanted to invite a group of people to respond to questions via email? Do you wish that all the replies could automatically be assembled into a spreadsheet format, so you didn’t have to copy and paste everything into a format that was useful to you? �
tags: googleforms googletools data
Will the Seedlings be kicking off a new podcast se
tags: hope windowviewfavs
@bobsprankle @cheryloakes50 @alicebarr Will the Seedlings be kicking off a new podcast season this fall? #hope
15 Simple Ways Twitter Can Make You A Better Leader | Big Is The New Small
tags: twitter leadership administrator
How to setup and use Google Chromecast with your iPhone, iPad, or Mac | iMore.com
"On Android there's a handy app available in Google Play to help you get going, but if you're going to be using your Chromecast with your Mac and or your iOS device, you'll need to use the Mac to get setup. Head over to the Google Chromecast page where you'll find a download link for the Chromecast app for your Mac. Once installed, it's a matter of a few simple steps to get your Chromecast dongle set up on your home WiFi network, and then you should be good to go."
tags: chromecast
The 8 Digital Skills Students Need for The Future ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Import a spreadsheet of lat/long coordinates to Google Earth. Pop-up balloons, icons, and paths are easily created from the spreadsheet data.
tags: googleearth spreadsheets
The Facebook Guide for Teachers
tags: facebook digitalcitizenship
10 Tips For An Effective Global Collaboration | Edudemic
tags: globaleducation collaboration
5 Tools to Introduce Programming to Kids | MindShift
tags: programming coding