Saturday, June 29, 2013

Weekly Links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Summer Learning Opportunities

This is one of most favorite places on Earth!  I hope that you are enjoying your favorite spot(s) as summer gets going. But after a week or so I get antsy to keep up with my learning. If you're ready to take on something new when you're not able to bask at the beach, camp, or the weather outside is lousy, why not try some new learning with technology? Here are a few courses and workshops that you might be interested in:

Technology Teacher.ME - July 8 - 10, 2013
Cloud Camp New Hampshire - July 11, 2013
21st Century Teaching and Learning with Technology - July 15 - 19, 2013
MLTI Summer Institute - July 23 - 25, 2013
Technology for Innovation at Tilton Academy - August 1 & 2, 2013
Maine Google Summit and PreSummit -  August 6 - 9, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

The School Year in Review

I just finished writing my portfolio for the year at school. I don't always love the process of writing portfolios, because I am not very good at it. I also get interrupted a lot during the day and so I never seem to be able to finish it on time. (Excuses, excuses!) So I went in to finishing it today with a sort of negative attitude. I really thought I didn't do much. I started at noon and it's now 8PM. I guess I was wrong! Here are a few highlights to share:

We continue to have many visitors from nearby districts as well as from around the world ostensibly to see our laptop program in action. After Student Ambassadors take them around to classes, meet with them in panel format, and explain our beliefs, visitors often leave understanding that technology is just one piece of the culture of student centered learning. The Student Government Tech group and ultimately Student Ambassadors continue to make an impact on our program.

YHS beliefs:

We believe the best learning occurs…
  • when positive relationships form the foundation for learning;
  • when students engage in high-level learning and access appropriate support;
  • when students have an active role in their learning and in the school community;
  • in a culture of collaboration;
  • when students and teachers extend their learning beyond the school;
  • in an environment of creativity and innovation.
We are an Apple Distinguished School. iBook and PDF

The Summer Technology Course (June 17-19 and in September and October) started off really well. We introduced two concepts to the teachers that I think will be adopted in Classrooms. The Edcafe model and the EdCamp model. Teachers really seemed to like the structure. Both of these models promote student choice and voice.

A new project that we (the tech integrators) have worked on is the Lead Learners. We adopted the model from Wayneflete School. This was absolutely amazing. Each Lead Learner was  given an iPad to use. We had a professional day in October to unpack and  introduce the iPad. The energy around learning and trying new things was fabulous. We also did an activity where everyone had to work in pairs to learn a new app and then present it to the others. We meet monthly to share and support one another. It has been a very positive experience for everyone. We asked some of the lead learners (in addition to the student helpers we have) to "TA" for us in the technology course. It helped promote the vision of impacting technology use at each building. We are pretty happy with the way this has turned out and hope to be able to continue this project in some way next year. The great part about this format is the exchange of ideas shared, a little learning community.

Digital Citizenship. We changed our Digital Citizenship day to Living Your Life. Online. It took place during two period 3's. Students could sign up for 4 sessions.  The things students liked were our visitors and anything hands on. One Student Senate member suggested that we do some small group discussion at the beginning of the year.

Just a few nuggets, but I guess I feel like I did something this year! If you have questions about any of these programs, please feel free to leave a comment.

Reading for June 28, 2013 at 11:02PM: Millennials and the Job Market

There is a great article over at Mashable titled: Why Can’t Millennials Find Jobs? That as I read it I kept shaking my head and thinking about schools, education and where this is all going. What I want to do is add my own thoughts to the research the article points to. via Pocket

Reading for June 28, 2013 at 07:23PM: NMC Horizon Report > 2013 K-12 Education Edition : The New Media Consortium

Cool little hack: Adding my Reading list from Pocket as a blog post

A lot of people probably already know how to do this, but I wanted to share this in case it helps anyone!

I used to have a Posterous account where I posted items that I was reading and wanted to share with my classes or teachers. On the sidebar of my blog was a little feed to the articles.  Posterous has shut down, so I now save links that I want read to Pocket. I really liked having the articles on the sidebar and I still wanted to be able to replicate something like I used to have , so here's what I did:

 First, I used IFTT. If you've never used IFTTT, it has all kinds of cool tools to help you automate things.  I used a recipe for Pocket created by arunchathamvelil. When a new item gets saved in Pocket, then create a blog post with the date and a label. I set up the title of the blog post to be the name of the article and the data. The recipe automatically creates the post and puts the caption with the URL to the article. I added a label of "reading".

I next wanted to have a gadget in my sidebar and have an RSS feed to the label Reading. On my blog, I clicked on the label reading and it pulled up the two posts I had under that label. I used an RSS gadget and I copied and pasted the URL from the label above into it. But it didn't work. It was pulling everything from my blog, like a regular RSS feed. However, I googled how to make an RSS feed from a label and voilà I got So now I have a little Sidebar that has a list of my reading from Pocket!

Reading for June 28, 2013 at 05:45PM: Students First, Not Stuff

Putting technology first—simply adding a layer of expensive tools on top of the traditional curriculum—does nothing to address the new needs of modern learners. via Pocket,-Not-Stuff.aspx

Reading for June 28, 2013 at 05:29PM Data Security Is a Classroom Worry, Too

LIKE many privacy-minded parents of elementary students, Tony Porterfield tries to keep close tabs on the personal information collected about his two sons. So when he heard that their school district in Los Altos, Calif. via Pocket

SEA STaff Tech Camp #seatechcamp

The Sebago Education Alliance Tech Camp was a 3 day conference for teachers to learn all kinds of new ways to integrate technology.

If you were in my sessions and want resources, here they are:
Thanks to @topher8 and crew for a terrific three days!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weekly Links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Weekly Links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Weekly Links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Weekly Links (weekly)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.