Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Links of interest 04/26/2012
Google Docs Experiments With a Font Manager
tags: googledocs fonts
Desmos | a beautiful, free online graphing calculator
A Beautiful, Free Online Graphing Calculator
tags: curriculum:math graph
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Links of interest 04/25/2012
Curating Content | Digital Learning Environments
tags: curation
One to One Computing Blueprint
tags: yhs 1:1 1to1 studentcenteredlearning
Helping Laptop Programs Work: Teachers - All Teachers; Students - All Students
tags: 1:1 1to1 studentcenteredlearning
edshelf is a directory of websites, mobile apps, and desktop software that are rated & reviewed by educators, for educators. We decrease the friction of using and procuring effective technology into the classroom.
tags: web2.0tools education Tools_Apps apps
How to Change the World: 10 Things You Can Learn From the Apple Store
tags: Apple studentcenteredlearning
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Links of interest 04/24/2012
tags: googleapps googlescripts
Digital kits are nothing more than collections of content -- still images, video clips, audio clips, passages of text -- connected to the topic being studied that teachers assemble for their kids before a project even begins. Then, students use the content in digital kits to assemble their final products
Monday, April 23, 2012
Links of interest 04/23/2012
The Electric Educator: Learn how to Share: Mastering the Google Docs Sharing Settings
tags: googledocs
Article about textbook revision and online content curation,
Article about Digital Citizenship using example form GoodPlay and Project Zero
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Links of interest 04/22/2012
tags: flippedclassroom
tags: Search searchskills
Living in a connected age is double-edged. While policy and regulation have their place within this matrix, it seems that human agency should be the keystone. Therefore, for the body politic to walk the edge between being empowered by our connectivity or hindered by it requires a steady dose of mind training.tags: online
tags: googledocs onlinelearning
tags: ipad highschool
tags: augmentedreality
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Not Just for Middle Schoolers
Yarmouth High School has extended Maine's MLTI program to its grade 9-12 students with gratifying results.

Read the rest of the article
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Google Education on Air
I will be presenting Google Apps for the School Community.
Hope to see you there!
You can read more about Google Hangouts and Google+ at Free Technology for Teachers
Links of interest 04/11/2012
Google In the Classroom - Download Free Content from Michigan's MI Learning on iTunes
This course is a 101 introduction to Google docs, sites, calendar,
Gmail, and search. It's pretty basic and I don't think that any of my
GCT friends will find it very helpful, but please feel free to use and
recommend it to new users as you speak and present at various events.
It's an easy way to introduce someone to the four core Google
Applications and search. -
TED Blog | 100 Websites You Should Know and Use
The Web is constantly turning out new and extraordinary services many of us are unfamiliar with. During TED University at this spring’s TED2007 in Monterey, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, offered an ultra-fast-moving ride through sites in many different areas, from art, design and illustration, to daily news, blogs and curiosity. Now, by popular demand, here’s his list of 100 websites you should know and use >>
tags: websites TEDTALKS ted innovation
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Links of interest 04/10/2012
Howard Rheingold's Social Media Literacies Syllabus: High School - Google Docs
Free Technology for Teachers: Google Docs for Teachers - A Free eBook
tags: googledocs
Google Docs in the Classroom « Not All Who Wonder Are Lost
Good section on organization
tags: googledocs organization
Monday, April 09, 2012
Links of interest 04/09/2012
tags: googleearth tutorials
tags: extension socialmedia
What makes the difference between a success story and a technology program that is abandoned due to lack of progress? Based on recent research and interviews with exemplary one-to-one districts, this eBook showcases five essential factors for a successful Implementation.
Start 2012 by Taking 2 Minutes to Clean Your Apps Permissions
Try guessing how many apps have permissions to access your private information... Now click the icons and get ready for a surprise! -
tags: curation web2.0tools
Collaboration Station
Data sets
tags: googleeducation
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Links of interest 04/07/2012
Use "The Energy WATCH" below to see how much carbon dioxide your school has emitted this week. If your school is at position number one, then your emissions have reduced the most compared to the previous week.
tags: curriculum:science googleapps globaleducation collaboration global grade9
Moving FirstClass Contacts - Gmail Project
tags: firstclass googleapps transition
The rise of e-reading | Pew Internet Libraries
tags: ebooks PewInternet
Steve Hargadon: Live Wednesday April 4th - Howard Rheingold on His New Book, "Net Smart"
tags: hrheingold
Don’t Wait: The Do It Yourself NOW Digital Textbooks | Getting Smart
tags: livebinders
Email Me Form™ - HTML Forms, Web Forms, PHP Forms
Email Me Form is a free online form generator service that helps you create HTML forms for your website, with no programming required.
tags: blogsupport email Embed html
Add titles and headings and customise the style of your document - Google Docs Help
You can customise the look of text and headings in your document using the styles toolbar menu. The styles toolbar menu displays the style of your text selection in a document and lets you change the style or clear the formatting of your text.
tags: googledocs
Friday, April 06, 2012
Links of interest 04/06/2012
101 Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers You Should Know About
tags: web2.0tools usmepc512
- Quite a few interesting tools! - post by Naoko Takao
Using Twitter To Support Learning -- Campus Technology
tags: Twitter
tags: CapeElizabeth technologyplan
Social Media Literacies Syllabus: College/University - Google Docs
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Links of interest 04/05/2012
Animaps extends the My Maps feature of Google Maps by letting you create maps with markers that move, images and text that pop up on cue, and lines and shapes that change over time.
When you send your Animap to friends it appears like a video - they can play, pause, slow and speed up the action!
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Links of interest 04/04/2012
Innovation Unit | Transforming public services
"We are the innovation unit for public services. As a not-for-profit social enterprise we're committed to using the power of innovation to solve social challenges. We have a strong track record of supporting leaders and organisations delivering public services to see and do things differently. They come to us with a problem and we empower them to achieve radically different solutions that offer better outcomes for lower costs."
tags: innovation education
The Teacher's Guide to Project Based Learning
tags: projectbasedlearning
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Links of interest 04/03/2012
Bishop's - Building Visual Literacy
tags: visualliteracy vinnievrotny
The Teacher’s Guide To Polling In The Classroom | Edudemic
tags: polling survey surveytools web2.0tools
Event lets girls focus on future | Maine DOE Newsroom
tags: yhs globaleducation
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Curating Content
tags: curation
Burlington High School Principal's Blog: A Professional Development Day That Worked - A Recap
tags: edcamp professionaldevelopment
- From looking at the sign-up spreadsheets, it seems about 90 teachers participated. - post by Bill Campbell
Monday, April 02, 2012
Links of interest 04/02/2012
Tutorial: Automating a Help Desk Workflow - Google Apps Script — Google Developers
"This tutorial guides you through the steps of automating a help desk workflow."