Bangladesh - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
Toward a Rational Response to Plagiarism - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education
"Plagiarism is making us crazy. No, the mere thought of plagiarism is making us crazy. Collectively, as a professoriate, we're obsessed with it."
The Importance of Digital Citizenship in Social Media | Edutopia
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Links of interest 08/30/2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Links of interest 08/29/2011
125 Great Science Videos: From Astronomy to Physics & Psychology | Open Culture
The KYVL for Kids Research Portal - How to do research Home Base
tags: research researchbasedinstruction informationliteracy publicpolicy
Today I created a Google Spreadsheet and used the CONCATENATE function to create or build the email address I needed for each student’s cell phone number. This Google Help page explains how the function works. The formula is shown below.
tags: google spreadsheet texting snowday
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Links of interest 08/28/2011
How to Fix Our Math Education - NYTimes.com
tags: Curriculum:math
26 Interesting Ways* to use Google+ to Support ... - "Google Docs"
Promoting Creativity and Collaboration in Your Classroom with Google Docs
All About Creative Commons And Copyright
tags: creativecommons
0 Interesting Ways* to find Creative Commons resources for the in
tags: creativecommons
The 17 E’s of Excellent Electronic Education Leadership
This @gcouros bit on the messages sent in districts that block websites is a must read: http://ow.ly/68eiq #cpchat #edleaders
tags: cpchat edleaders windowviewfavs
The Innovative Educator: Discover what your digital footprint says about you
tags: digitalfootprint
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Links of interest 08/25/2011
NOVA | Hunting the Hidden Dimension
tags: pbs Curriculum:math
An award-winning source for standards-based classroom resources in science, technology and engineering, from NOVA and other public television series.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Links of interest 08/24/2011
- My motivation for hacking was all about the intellectual challenge, the seduction of adventure, and, most importantly, the pursuit of knowledge," he says. "I just wanted to learn everything there was."
Meredith Perry turned 22 this month. She just graduated from college and started a new company built around a technology she recently invented.
- She's self-taught by reading online, mostly Wikipedia.
tags: flippedclassroom course
Monday, August 22, 2011
Links of interest 08/22/2011
Web 2.0 Tools in Education: A Quick Guide by Mohamed Amin Embi
tags: web2.0tools speedgeek
If we want Web Literate Students, We Need to be Web Literate Educators. | Langwitches Blog
Screencasting Apps for the iPad | Langwitches Blog
tags: screencasting ipad apps
Bloom’s Taxonomy and iPad Apps | Langwitches Blog
tags: bloomstaxonomy ipads
4 Big Ideas That Will Change The World Of Training: The eLearning Coach
It’s up to learning experience designers and developers, as well as trainers, educators and instructors to move us toward a more enlightened path that meets the needs of learners in today’s world. I’m voting that these four big ideas can propel us forward, hopefully sooner rather than later.
Gpanion - Your Google Apps Companion
tags: google goodleapps
tags: kernkelley googledocs googleforms
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Links of interest 08/21/2011
tags: googleearth jenniferwagner
Social Media Adoption Soars - UMass Dartmouth
UMASS Dartmouth did research on social media and admissions.
Below is an outline I’m beginning to compile of things to share. My overall goal is to sell them on the power of connections and reasons to build a PLN.
tags: pln administration socialmedia
Burlington High School
tags: 1:1 1to1 ipads deployment
Differentiating Learning for Teachers | Connected Principals
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Links of interest 08/20/2011
tags: googledocs CherylOakes
Flashcards PDF.zip - Powered by Google Docs
Flashcards like cribsheets
tags: google googleapps
tags: search searchskills research
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Back To School-Leadership In 2011
tags: leadership socialmedia
A 1:1-derful Start | always learning
tags: 1:1 1to1 kimcofino technologyintegration digitalcitizenship
Thursday, August 18, 2011
2011 Sakai Institute, Deerfield New Hampshire
![]() |
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Links of interest 08/17/2011
Tutorial for using wikispacestags: wikisupport wikispaces
tags: cloudcomputing
pogoplugtags: cloudcomputing
iWebKit is a file package designed to help you create your own iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad compatible website or webapp.
The kit is accessible to anyone even people with little html knowledge and is simple to understand thanks to the included user guide. In a couple of minutes you will have created a profesional looking website. iWebKit is thee framework of choice because it is very easy to use, it loads extremely fast, is compatible with all devices & extendable. It is simple html that anyone can edit contrary to some other complicated solutions based on ajax.
Simplicity is the key!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Links of interest 08/16/2011
Medical marijuana challenges Arizonans on multiple perspectives – Cronkite News
Really good example of how a public policy could be introduced.
Maine School Adminstrative District #54
Using students in revitalizing community in Skowhegan
tags: maine MLTI studentwork middleschool Curriculum:SocialStudies challengebasedlearning
Monday, August 15, 2011
Links of interest 08/15/2011
tags: googleapps googleeducation
tags: googleearth
tags: googleearth
tags: googleearth
Great handoutstags: googleearth
BookletCreator is a simple tool that allows you to create a booklet from a PDF document. It reorders pages so that after printing and folding the pages, a small book is created.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Links of interest 08/12/2011
tags: web2.0tools sync desktop cloudcomputing
Collaborative albums - Picasa Help
tags: picasa sharing collaboration photo
SnipSnip.It - Share the Good Parts
Shorten a You Tube video
tags: youtube edit Tools_Apps video
tags: ISTE11 resources web2.0tools professionaldevelopment
- not sure what comments do.... - post by Lisa Wickman
tags: ISTE11 wesfryer media medialiteracy
tags: ipad apps medialiteracy digitalliteracy
massnewlitinstitute2011 - Home
Changing the World of Teaching and Learning
The 2011 Massachusetts New Literacies Institute is a collaborative project with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative (LPVEC), and the West Springfield Public Schools. The MA DESE awarded the grant funding to the LPVEC and West Springfield Public Schools through the ARRA Title IID Technology Program. This Institute will focus on helping Massachusetts educators prepare students for the online literacy skills required in the 21st century.tags: medialiteracy digitalliteracy 21stcenturyskills usmepc512
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Links of interest 08/11/2011
7th gradersWelch | Google Groups
- non-verified
12 Most Important Things to Know about Kids Today | 12 Most
Ask most people what comes to mind when they think about “kids today”. If you’ve sampled the literature about Gen Y or The Millennials, you’re likely to hear that kids today are over-corrected, entitled, arrogant, irresponsible, directionless, and apathetic. With twitter-sized attention spans—these kids lack values, character, and basic civility.
They have been labeled, tagged, earmarked, and characterized in a multiplicity of ways, but nothing sets them apart more from other generations than the fact that kids of today are most certainly unlike any other generation of kids we have known.
As a veteran educator, parent, and mentor; I couldn’t agree more. Kids today aren’t like they used to be, and I’ve never been more proud or excited to share with you why.tags: angelamaiers students studentvoice
tags: GTI googleearth Googlesketchup
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Links of interest 08/09/2011
tags: mobilelearning ipads education
iPads in Education - Exploring the use of iPads and Tablet computers in education.
- World Yellow Pages for Higher Studies. Find University, Institute, Colleges world wide & talk business. Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
- post by Shona Agarwal
- World Yellow Pages for Higher Studies. Find University, Institute, Colleges world wide & talk business. Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
tags: visualliteracy
Building Mobile Learning Communities BLC 2011
tags: blc11 mobilelearning mobileapps epub
tags: organization
Debunking Five Myths About Project-Based Learning | Edutopia
tags: projectbasedlearning
- This is an effective attempt to legitimize project based learning. Still, in education, one style isn't right for everyone. - post by joan engel
Why Are Some QR Codes More Scanworthy Than Others? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Monday, August 08, 2011
Playing with Media: A Great Classroom Companion

Links of interest 08/08/2011
tags: googleearth thomascooper
tags: google googleapps globaleducation collaboration Curriculum
Chrome Extensions & Apps - Google Docs
tags: google Chrome chromeextensions
Gadget list : Gadgets - Google Docs Help
Google Spreadsheets allows you to insert gadgets to display data in a variety of ways. The following is a list of gadgets created by Google, though you can use a variety of additional third-party gadgets as well.
tags: google spreadsheet gadgets googleapps
Google Docs: Forms, Scripts, Gadgets - Google Teacher Academy Resources
tags: google googleapps googleforms spreadsheet gadgets GTAWA
Google Sites - Mobile Templates
tags: googlesites moblie
- There are useful and useless things in Google Sites. It is free but it is more a business tool than an educational one. But it can start as a business game and then someone can use the social mobile template to start socializing. - post by kirdim1313
Mr.Peters' High School Technology Integration Wiki / FrontPage
Using iPads for Formative Assessment - Teaching Now - Education Week Teacher
tags: iPads assessment
Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Videos for Economics Lessons
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Links of interest 08/06/2011
A Difference: How would I prepare to teach a BYOD class?
Setting up a classroom for technology devices. The focus is bring your own device, but this would work for any technology classroom. Some great ideas here.
tags: technologyintegration technologycoach 1:1 1to1 professionaldevelopment darrenkuropatwa
Friday, August 05, 2011
Links of interest 08/05/2011
A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: 30 Web Sites to Teach You About Technology Integration
tags: medialiteracy media technologycoach technologyintegration
Connecting Project-Based and Blended Learning | Edutopia
Connecting Project-Based and Blended Learning
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - P21 Common Core Toolkit
A Guide to Aligning the Common Core State Standards with the Framework for 21st Century Skills
tags: P21 standards 21stCenturySkills usmepc512 professionaldevelopment
Google Calendar’s often forgotten Event Publisher « I Teach Ag Blog
There is a little tool that is hidden in the help area of Google Calendar. Call it an Easter Egg if you will. It is Google Calendar’s Event Publisher.
Burlington High School Principal's Blog: Today's Presentation On Social Media for MSSAA
tags: 21stcenturyskills socialmedia bhsprincipal professionaldevelopment
tags: 21stcenturyskills usmepc512 lucygray 21stcenturylearning professionaldevelopment
10 Skills Students Should Graduate With « Thumann Resources
I shared ten skills I feel that students should graduate with. These skills don’t have anything to do with standardized testing, or memorizing facts, they are just what skills students need to be prepared for college and beyond.
How to Flip Your Classroom - and Get Your Students to Do the Work
tags: flippedclassroom
How to Teach With Google Earth
tags: googleearth
EdTech Toolbox: 8 Ways to Support Teachers Integrate Technology
tags: techintegrators technologycoach professionaldevelopment
- Thanks for the updates, Anyway if you have some problem with tax, Joseph Conrad Company offers advanced solution with satisfactory services dealing with Tax Strategies , Accounting Services , Profit and Growth Expert for your business. You may visit our website http://www.conradtax.com.
- post by John Asuncion
- Thanks for the updates, Anyway if you have some problem with tax, Joseph Conrad Company offers advanced solution with satisfactory services dealing with Tax Strategies , Accounting Services , Profit and Growth Expert for your business. You may visit our website http://www.conradtax.com.
The Ohio Conference on Google Apps for Education
tags: googleapps GoogleEducation
tags: googleapps GoogleEducation
2011 Oregon K-12 Google Summit
tags: googleapps GoogleEducation
ALA | AASL Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning
Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning
The "Top 25" Websites foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover.tags: web2.0tools education Tools_Apps summertech2011 usmepc512
Visual.ly | Infographics & Visualizations. Create, Share, Explore
Diigo Groups In Category : Schools & Education
List of Education groups in Diigo
Used wisely, technology empowers students to take responsibility for their own learning. In Leonardo’s Laptop, Ben Shneiderman provides teachers with a powerful framework, Collect-Relate-Create-Donate (CRCD), for designing student-centered learning opportunities using computers. In particular, Shneiderman’s CRCD framework emphasizes the importance of the social aspects of learning in generating creative work. In CRCD projects, students research information, work collaboratively to create a meaningful product that demonstrates their learning, and contribute that project to a larger learning community. Shneiderman designed the Collect-Relate-Create-Donate framework as a vehicle for preparing young people for a 21st century world where innovation, creativity, and collaboration will be more highly prized than retention and repetition.
tags: studentcenteredlearning 21stcenturyskills creativity rubrics web2.0tools professionaldevelopment
Free internet audio mp3 player for personal websites| AudioPal
Thanks to AudioPal, anyone with a personal website or blog can easily add audio to their site. Engage your visitors by creating an instantly interactive website using AudioPal. Just create your message and embed your flash audio player.
tags: audio podcast podcasttools web2.0ttools embed blogsupport
Google Maps and Earth Challenge Activities - Richard Byrne
tags: googleapps googlemaps googleearth
High Techpectations: University School of Milwaukee Presentations and Materials - Updated
"During this two hour workshop, we will be exploring social media for classroom and professional development uses. In the afternoon, your team will develop a project or product based on our morning exploreations. "
How Can Web 2.0 Curation Tools Be Used in the Classroom? | MindShift
tags: scoop.it curation web2.0tools research
How to Scoop.it from Google Reader (2 ways) « MASHe
tags: scoop.it web2.0tools
tags: scoop.it web2.0tools
Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Taking Care Of Your Digital Self
The History 2.0 Classroom: Mapping & Statistics 2.0
mapping 2.0 & statistics resources
Google Sites Resources | Scoop.it
tags: google googleapps googlesites
- World Yellow Pages for Higher Studies. Find University, Institute, Colleges world wide & talk business. Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com - post by Purabi Sharma
- thanks for allowed me to registered - post by Joseph Joseph
The Flip: Why I Love It – How I Use It | Powerful Learning Practice
tags: flippedclassroom
Overexposed by Nicholas Chen and Edan Freiberger - YouTube
tags: facebook digitalcitizenship grade9
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Thank you USMEPC512
Thanks also to Lucy Gray for Skyping with the class and to Bill Ferriter for writing Teaching the iGeneration, a terrific book for first time learners to social media tools.
Links of interest 08/04/2011
tags: creativecommons youtube search tool
CC News: YouTube Launches Creative Commons Support - Creative Commons
tags: creativecommons youtube search
What's new in Google+ - Google+ Help
tags: google+
Make your own pie chart
tags: kernkelley professionaldevelopment tutorial googleapps
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Links of interest 08/03/2011
tags: google+
tags: QRcode
How to use comments to mark Google Docstags: googledocs comment
tags: Google+
Video Tutorials for some popular Web 2.0 sites: Animoto, Google Docs, Voicethread etc.
"Here is a list of some of the best Google tools that you need to be aware of. Every tool is explained in an easy step by step tutorial and whenever possible a video illustration is attached. Feel free to share these links with your friends and colleagues:
" -
"The Driver’s Manual provides a dynamic resource to help students and teachers use technology as an effective teaching and learning tool."
Weather Graphs and Maps. Nice Mashup!
tags: googleearth tutorials
Andrea Hernandez and I have set down to create a visual using the above model to include concrete examples from our school to illustrate to our teachers what tasks are considered in the substitution/augmentation/modification/redefinition stages. We want to be transparent in showing our expectations of basic tasks being led autonomously by the classroom teachers to teach and support students without the necessity of tech support to be present. At the same time, we wanted to emphasize the progression and show what transformational teaching and learning looks like.
Finding and Following People on Google+(Permalink to this post: http://bit.ly/gplus-people)
Instead of just listing a bunch of links (which can also be found at http://j.mp/gplus-resources), I thought I would provide a brief overview of the many G+ people sites out there for some of the newer G+ users: -
Welcome to the Computer Science Collaborative, a place where you can have students collaborate on solving computer science problems. We developed this site to connect teachers and students in small computer science courses around the globe. This project was designed as part of the CPATH Research Experience for Teachers program funded by the National Science Foundation.
- http://www.21things4students.net/
This is a great site I have been looking at to get a few new ideas for this upcoming school year. - post by cindycrannell
- http://www.21things4students.net/
"Teaching Kids Online Manners
The more my son gets into social media, the more we talk about being responsible online. But a recent incident made me realize that I had completely overlooked a basic tenet of appropriate online behavior: manners. Just as I teach him to keep his elbows off the table, I have to teach him to be courteous in his digital life." -
tags: search googleanalytics
"Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. "
tags: professionaldevelopment ascd
tags: iPhone
tags: gmail
Top 25 Education Policy/Media Tweeters
Top 25 Educator Tweeters
(June 2011)tags: twitter