Classroom 2.0 LIVE-February, 2011
All links from Classroom 2.0 February sessions
Classroom 2.0 and LiveBinders Webinar
Classroom 2.0 Live Binders sessions with guest binders
Monday, February 28, 2011
Links of interest 02/28/2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Links of interest 02/27/2011
The History 2.0 Classroom: Egypt & France X Choose Your Own Adventure X Green Screens
Choose Your own Adventure Reflection
tags: Curriculum:SocialStudies youtube ProjectBasedLearning egypt
As Protests Spread In Middle East, History Comes Alive For US Students | Here & Now
Choose your Own Adventure for Grade 9 History. Also good idea for Digital Citizenship
tags: youtube ProjectBasedLearning egypt Curriculum:SocialStudies digitalcitizenship
join.me – Free Screen Sharing and Online Meetings
tags: screensharing streaming web2.0tools
- Weird: accelerators such as command-q, command-t, command-m do not work (Safari in Mac OS X 10.6.x) when the cursor is in the 'join' field. - post by Graham Perrin
- World Yellow Pages for Higher studies.Find University, Institute, Colleges World wide & talk business.Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
- post by globodyne technology
Paper Rater: Free Online Grammar Checker, Proofreader, and More
"# Grammar & Spelling Check
# Free Online Proofreading
# No Downloads"tags: Curriculum:LanguageArts writing plagiarism
- Please. you can visit : http://www.xcelpromo.co.uk/promotional-items - post by hoa anhdao
ONline Textbook
Choose your own adventure project.doc - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage
Choose your Own Adventure Template
tags: mindmap web2.0tools notetaking collaboration
- I thought it's a tool designed to mark webpages, but I was wrong, so I'm not interested. Do you know of any other tools that does this, besides Diigo and Google Sidewiki? - post by Valentin Ciocanel
"Edistorm takes the metaphor of sticky notes on a boardroom wall and brings it online allowing anyone - anywhere to brainstorm with only a web browser.
Each user picks their favorite ideas and Edistorm brings the best ones forward."tags: web2.0tools notetaking collaboration mindmap
- Great tool for 1:1 - post by Cheri Toledo
Set up in Live Binders
tags: twitter education classroom2.0
"iFacilitate is a 6 week open workshop that introduces a variety of facilitation skills to help participants engage learners across a range of conversational spaces, including online discussion forums, web conferencing rooms, and wikis and blogs. This workshop explores building online learning communities and communities of practice within the context of online courses and webinars. It is also designed to provide participants with an experience of engagement in an online learning community. Online learning communities develop through interaction among participants. "
tags: ple openeducation mooc course
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Links of interest 02/26/2011
Google Form Service Integration
"Integrating and Connecting Data
Between Online Service
Using a Google Form to Populate a Google Calendar, Facebook, and Twitter" -
How to market an event with QR — QR Coders
tags: QRcode
The COETAIL program (Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy) is based on best practice student-centered online learning theories and techniques. Harnecing the newest and latest in Web 2.0 technologies the program leads educators through a process not only demonstrates how to use technologes but allows educators to apply their learning in their own school and classroom.
"An interactive, multimedia history of the United States from the Revolution to the present."
CI-portfolio - Creating Your UNI Teacher Ed e-Portfolio
tags: portfolio eportfolio
The Power of Educational Technology: My Message to Parents about Social Media
Friday, February 25, 2011
Links of interest 02/25/2011
Copy of Assignment Hand-In Template
How to view the summary of only selected data in a form
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Links of interest 02/24/2011
Apps User Group
North Central Google Apps User Group
North Central
YouTube - Yolink + Google Docs
tags: youlink googledocs research
Get Your Google Earth Going « Thumann Resources
tags: googleearth
27 Ways to Use QR Codes | We build mobile websites
tags: qrcodes
Google Spreadsheet Functions pdf
How to use functions by Bill Bass
tags: Google spreadsheet
Google Self Grading Quiz on .pdf
Step by Step instructions by GTC Bill Bass on Self grading Quiz
tags: Google googleforms spreadsheet quiz
tags: QRcode
The Whole Child Blog « Whole Child Education
Life in the 21st century provides a whole new world of opportunities for self-directed, passion-driven, personalized learning. Educators who are ready to move on from teaching the way they were taught, and have administrators who will let them, can begin supporting students using tools and strategies available to the 21st century learner.
tags: 21stcenturylearning 21stcenturyskills selfdirected learning personallearning usmepc512 passion summertech2011
The Whole Child Blog « Whole Child Education
Tools Focused > Instruction Focused > Learner Focused
tags: usmepc512 summertech2011 reading professionaldevelopment 21stcenturyschools 21stcenturyskills
The Whole Child Blog « Whole Child Education
Remote Access
tags: 21stcenturyskills digitalliteracy usmepc512 reading professionaldevelopment
10 Ways Technology Supports 21st Century Learners in Being Self Directed by Lisa Nielsen
tags: 21stcenturylearning usmepc512 summertech2011 professionaldevelopment
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Links of interest 02/23/2011
20 reasons why students should blog | On an e-Journey with Generation Y
20 Reasons Students Should Blog: http://bit.ly/3UPTHE
tags: windowviewfavs
purpos/ed — #500words – Zoe Ross
NEW! @zoeross19 shares #500words on the purpose of education. Read, retweet, respond! http://bit.ly/purposed-zoer #purposed
tags: 500words purposed windowviewfavs
Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 yrs [Forbes] http://bit.ly/dXw1dv Thx @SteveAtkinsSEO @lizstrauss via @sidneyeve
tags: windowviewfavs
8 Tips For Creating a Successful eBay Storefront
tags: ebay
Educational-Blogging - How To Teach Commenting Skills
"Commenting is an important aspect of a classroom blog and is included in our Language Arts time 2-3 mornings a week.
Commenting is what keeps the blog alive."tags: blogs blogsupport usmepc512 comment professionaldevelopment
- I appreciate the sample announcement letter for the parents - it was a good reminder to involve parents. - post by Victoria Zhang
- Love the video though I do wonder whether it is scripted by the students or the teacher! - post by Victoria Zhang
- This lesson is very interesting - it will require tweaks though to fit into my classroom. I am not sure whether every students' parents have access to the internet or know how to use the blogs... - post by Victoria Zhang
"Book Drum is the perfect companion to the books we love, bringing them to life with immersive pictures, videos, maps and music."
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Links of interest 02/22/2011
"A History Wiki From the Beginning of World War I to the Cold War
The world was shattered once -- and then shattered once more..." -
tags: ebooks textbooks curriculum opensource Curriculum:Science Curriculum:math engineering
- World Yellow Pages for Higher Studies. Find University, Institute, Colleges world wide & talk business. Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
- post by Muskan Roy
- World Yellow Pages for Higher Studies. Find University, Institute, Colleges world wide & talk business. Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
Senuti — Recover music from your iPod, iPhone or iPad to your Mac
Need to recover music, playlists, or videos from your iPod or iPhone? Look no further! With Senuti, you can recreate your iTunes music library in just one click.
tags: examples handouts googleapps
tags: examples schoolwebpage
tags: library2.0
Full Show | Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century | PBS Video
tags: pbs media digital 21stcenturylearning digitalmedia digitalliteracy
Some Resources For Moving Beyond Textbooks | Connected Principals
SoundCloud - Your Sound, At The Heart
"SoundCloud is a platform that puts your sound at the heart of communities, websites and even apps. Watch conversations, connections and social experiences happen, with your sound as the spark."
tags: music audio sharing web2.0tools sound usmepc511
- World Yellow Pages for Higher studies.Find University, Institute, Colleges World wide & talk business.Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
- post by globodyne technology
- World Yellow Pages for Higher studies.Find University, Institute, Colleges World wide & talk business.Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
"What is Kickstarter? We’re the largest funding platform for creative projects in the world."
tags: startup creativity fundraising networking
- referred from http://identi.ca/notice/6200184 - post by Graham Perrin
Everything to get your business going You need this!!!
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Join as at ForcedIncome where in JUST 5 weeks, your matrix will be filled and you will be earning over $2k a month from just $15 a month!
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- post by denise Lee
tags: challengebasedlearning ProjectBasedLearning billferriter
- World Yellow Pages for Higher studies.Find University, Institute, Colleges World wide & talk business.Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
- post by globodyne technology
- World Yellow Pages for Higher studies.Find University, Institute, Colleges World wide & talk business.Free Listing www.kezkostudy.com
tags: yhs YarmouthSchools 1:1 maine education technology wesfryer
tags: challengebasedlearning
HOW TO: Back Up Your Social Media Presence Before the Ball Drops
tags: backup
Tips for presenters and keynotes – add your best ideas! « Generation YES Blog
tags: presentations
Monday, February 21, 2011
Personal Learning Environments for Inquiry in K12 Week 2 #plek12
- Is it too hard to collect digital projects?
- Is it that teachers don't know how to share or is it just a part of teaching culture that as soon as we are done with one project we must quickly move on the the next topic?
- Are teachers uncomfortable sharing student work?
- Does it take too long to organize student work to be shared?
- Can students help in the process?
Personal Learning Environments for Inquiry in K12 Week 1 #plek12
I have been in a high school one to one laptop environment for eight years. In the last three years, things have really ramped up. Technology really is ubiquitous in our district. We have also been working on rewriting our beliefs, and it's clear that everyone understands that we are committed to Digital Age Learning. We understand that as learners, we must all create, communicate, connect and collaborate. We are focusing on better ways of teaching and learning. I guess we are really trying "New Things in New Ways".
- I have never learned well online. I really need practice at writing and learning in this environment. If we expect students to participate in online learning, then I feel I want to have the same experience.
- Practice writing and blogging. I just don't reflect enough.
- I would like to look at this as a model for our school professional development. For as long as we have had technology and for the amount of reflection we do in our practice, it's very difficult to push others to see the value of blogging and sharing online, particularly among colleagues.
- Experience being part of an online course. I work in a high school. We offer a three credit course each year. We have always had an online component, but now we are thinking about making the entire course online in the summer.
- We are very lucky to have a great deal of professional development built in to our schedule. We each do a yearly portfolio based around the collaborative inquiry model. I would like to be able to give teachers more online options.
- Model for teachers what Open online learning is all about.
- My two colleagues and I already use an inquiry type model for working with teachers on learning technology skills. They must design something that has purpose for their students. I am anxious to learn more about the inquiry process, especially online.
Links of interest 02/21/2011
TED | Conversations | All Conversations
Platform for sharing ideas
tags: aup socialmedia
Importance of Collaborative Assessment in a 21st Century Classroom | Edutopia
Collaborative assessment must be part of our learning today. We, as educators are doing our students a disservice if we don’t attempt to make this type of assessment available to our students. There are few professions and work environments that only focus on individual competencies. Most modern work environments involve some type of collaboration or connected problem solving to enhance their corporation or product. However, the inevitable barriers surface in the form of social and digital media taboos.
tags: assessment collaboration
tags: ISTE11 organization
tags: web2.0tools free tools Tools_Apps
tags: itunesu
"This resource is the collaborative effort of a group of experienced educators and entrepreneurs who have united to share their experience and ideas, and create a project geared toward making learning relevant to life in our new digital age. Our purpose is to develop exceptional resources to assist in transforming learning to be relevant to life in the 21st Century. At the core of this project are our Curriculum Integration Kits - engaging, challenge based learning modules designed to cultivate the essential 21st Century Fluencies within the context of the required curriculum."
tags: 21stcenturyskills standards
tags: reading library2.0 googlesites
Everloop and i-Safe bring “tween” social networking into schools | VentureBeat
Everloop, a startup offering social networking tools aimed at users aged 8 – 13 (“tweens”), is announcing a big partnership that could bring the company to an estimated 56,000 schools.
tags: socialnetworking web2.0tools
Connect Safely |A Parents' Guide to Facebook | Safety Advice Articles
Welcome to A Parents' Guide to Facebook (PDF). It’s designed to help you understand what Facebook is and how to use it safely. With it, you will be better informed and able to communicate with young Facebook users in your life more effectively. That's important because 1) if something goes wrong, we want our children to come to us and 2) as the Internet becomes increasingly social and mobile, a parent’s guidance and support are ever more key to young people’s well-being in social media and technology. The guidebook is published in partnership with the iKeepSafe Coalition.
Student Blogging Activity 1 (Beginner): Setting Up Your Class Blog | Teacher Challenge
tags: edublogs blogsupport blogging students
Apple - Education - Resources - Information Technology
Info Tech tutorials
"Information and communications technologies (ICT) policies in schools have two dimensions. One is to ensure that students are protected from pernicious materials on the Internet. The other is to enable student access to the extensive resources on the Internet for learning and teaching. While these two dimensions are not intrinsically in conflict, in actuality, such can become the case."
tags: aup socialnetwork web2.0 leadership COSN policies socialmedia
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Links of interest 02/20/2011
tags: infographics visualizations
A history teacher uses the oil spill for a student design project - NYTimes.com
10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics
tags: visualizations data infographics statistics presentation
- "Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge." Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infographics - post by Allison Kipta
tags: visualizations data infographics statistics presentation
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Seedlings Season 3 Show #17
Virtual Maine
Reaction Grid
Geek of the Week links
Chat and Podcast
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Links of interest 02/15/2011
How—and why—to teach innovation in our schools | 21st Century Education | eSchoolNews.com
Call for innovative society raises important questions about education
tags: innovation creativity education learning
- test - post by Russell Matt
- That is a good article a - post by Razak Issah
DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms
- Google Tools Knowledge
2. Google Earth Knowledge
3. Wiki Knowledge
4. Blogging Knowledge
5. Spreadsheets Skills
6. Database Skills
7. Social Bookmarking Knowledge
8. Social Networking Knowledge
9. Web Resources in content area
10. Web Searching skills
11. Web2.0 Tools
12. Interactive White Board skills (SmartBoard and Promethean)
13. Website design and management skills
14. Presentation Tools
15. IM knowledge
16. Video and Podcasting
17. RSS feeds
18. Mobile and Handheld Computing
19. Virtual Worlds
20. Collaboration & Communication Tools
MARC - Research & Publications
tags: cyberbullying internetsafety onlinesafety digitalcitizenship
REPEAT: Experience the Snow Day Flip | NAIS Annual Conference 2011 Community
"With many schools bumping up against their limit of snow days and with almost two months of winter remaining, what can you do to prepare for the inevitable? Join us in the evening of February 17th to explore how you can “Flip” your classroom."
tags: snowday flippedclassroom
10 Tools for the Tech-Savvy Student Part I | More Than a Test Score
tags: web2.0tools students
10 Tools for the Tech-Savvy Student Part II | More Than a Test Score
tags: web2.0tools students
Class Of 2011: If Social Media Were a High School / Flowtown (@flowtown)
tags: socialmedia highschool
Palisades High School | Wolf, Jeremy
tags: Curriculum:Science Chemistry
The Flipped Classroom Advances: Developments in Reverse Learning and Instruction « 21k12
tags: flippedclassroom
Monday, February 14, 2011
Links of interest 02/14/2011
Fried Technology: Twitter Makes Right Now Events Come Alive in the Classroom
It is one thing hearing this hours after it happened on the evening news; it is quite another thing reading it seconds after it was posted by a real person in the thick of events. It's chilling and riveting, actually, and an amazing opportunity for students to learn about world events first-hand, right NOW, real-time. So how can you make this happen in your classroom? Here's the simplest way to get started . . .
tags: twitter currentevents usmepc512 professionaldevelopment
Interesting and noteworthy Blogger-powered blogs, compiled by the Blogger Team.
For historical context, see Concerning the Historie and Nature of Blogs of Note.tags: blogsupport blogger usmepc512
PBS Teachers | Digital Media: New Learners of the 21st Century
"Digital media is increasingly present in kids' formal and informal educational settings, becoming as common as pencils and notebooks were to their parents. Yet in many American classrooms and homes, these high-tech tools are severely limited or forbidden. Teachers and parents wonder: What are students doing with these technologies?"
Fri., Feb. 11, 2011 | Need To Know | PBS Video
Success Stories in Teaching.
tags: trends futureofeducation teachers2.0 professionaldevelopment
Google Helps Israeli Archive Share Holocaust Tales - NYTimes.com
Sunday, February 13, 2011
SEEDlings Season 3 Show# 16
Geek of the Week Links
Podcast and Chat
Links of interest 02/13/2011
tags: web2.0tools tools
Hottest Apps used by Apple Distinguished Educators
"Educators everywhere are asking how can we use the new mobile devices like iPad and iPod touch in the classroom? What’s good? What’s bad? Why? So, we thought we’d put a site together to share what we use for teaching and learning - not just a list of apps that someone thinks might be cool. The site will be updated regularly so bookmark the site and come back often or connect using your favorite social site below!"
apps by curriculum area
"Some time ago, back when Google incorporated “historical imagery” into Google Earth, one of the first things I did was to compare the appearance of our K-8 school today:"
tags: Curriculum:SocialStudies history googleearth kevinjarrett
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Links of interest 02/11/2011
Streaming with Ustream | The Webcast Academy
tags: ustream webcastacademy
Getting Started with UStream | The Webcast Academy
tags: ustream webcastacademy
tags: internetsafety onlinesafety
Coolest Google Docs uses - Google Certified Teachers | Google Groups
tags: google googledocs
tags: ipod ipodtouch elementary usmepc511
tags: documentcamera