Friday, February 04, 2011

Web 2.0 in the Classroom

The students in my high school have done some amazing work. But I always struggle with how to share it so it makes sense to others. A Powerpoint type presentation just doesn't work. I have yet to come up with a suitable way of doing it.

I recently gave this presentation on using Web 2.0 tools in the Classroom for Powerful Learning Practice to teachers in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The presentation was in Elluminate. This time I tried giving a link to a Google doc so participants could follow along, but that didn't work either. I had difficulty really showing the assignments and the work that went with it.  I have to say it was a real challenge to manipulate the slide deck, give the web tour, monitor the chat and be succinct. If you ever present this way, you should definitely have a large monitor, the real estate is necessary to see everything. I will be rethinking this in the future. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.

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