Great way to show change over time
- ant'lrd - pretty---far,,http://music3freak.blogspot.com/2014/02/antlrd.html - post by siya1calm
Education Rethink @edrethink: 12 Alternatives to Boring Professional Development
What Are Benefits & Challenges of 1:1 Program? is my latest @BAMRadioNetwork program w/ @alicebarr @hickstro http://t.co/L8oPnmBsIb
Great job presenting! Way to represent the state o
@alicebarr @kernkelley @marsenault Great job presenting! Way to represent the state of Maine. #gafesummit
Trend Alert: 6 Messaging Apps That Let Teens Share (Iffy) Secrets | Common Sense Media
11 Sites and Apps Kids Are Heading to After Facebook | Common Sense Media
"11 Sites and Apps Kids Are Heading to After Facebook"
Free Technology for Teachers: 101 Questions - A New Math Questions Site from Dan Meyer
"Dan Meyer has just launched a new site called 101 Questions on which he is sharing images and videos as prompts for developing math questions. Each image and video has a 140 character field in which you can enter your question. Questions are compiled and can be Tweeted. Take a look at the top 10 to get a feel for what you will find on 101 Questions. I've embedded one of the videos from 101 Questions below."
Google's Oppia Is A Smart Open Source Educational Tool For Interactive Learning
Shared by Dee Lanier
What is Unique to Birds? | All About Bird Biology • The Cornell Lab
Instead of an AUP, how about an EUP (Empowered Use Policy)? | Dangerously Irrelevant
80 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms to Support Learning - Google Drive
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
What Are the Real Benefits of a 1:1 Program? What Are the Biggest Challenges?
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
Fun way to learn some of the tips in Google Tools
tags: Googleapps tips
25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes! - YouTube
tags: tieascarf
How To Tie a Scarf: 4 Scarves 16 Ways - YouTube
tags: tieascarf
How to Tie a Scarf | Nordstrom
tags: tieascarf
Can Focus On ‘Grit’ Work In School Cultures That Reward Grades? | MindShift
tags: grit
tags: portfolio eportfolio googlesites
Testing Digital Tools to Improve Formative Assessments - Education Week
"The digital learning tools flooding schools come with a tantalizing promise: real-time feedback on what children know, combined with fingertip access to a dizzying array of tailored instructional materials, resulting in more customized instruction from teachers and a more personalized learning experience for each student."
tags: assessment
How Technology Trends Have Influenced the Classroom | MindShift
"Between societal changes and technological breakthroughs, it’s become abundantly clear that the human brain is transforming the way it processes and learns information. While there are many discussions about whether or not this is good or bad for us as a society, it’s definitely a change. "
tags: education technology
Educational Leadership:Leveraging Teacher Leadership:Teachers with Drive
"One way to motivate teachers to stay in the classroom is to offer them opportunities for leadership."
tags: Leadership
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom
- when positive relationships form the foundation for learning;
- when students engage in high-level learning and access appropriate support;
- when students have an active role in their learning and in the school community;
- in a culture of collaboration;
- when students and teachers extend their learning beyond the school;
- in an environment of creativity and innovation.
- Communicate effectively
- Exhibit personal responsibility, civic engagement, and global awareness
- Work independently and collaboratively
- Demonstrate critical, creative, and innovative thinking
- Develop understanding through inquiry, research, and synthesis
We will be doing some low stakes activities meant to warm you up for your work this afternoon. Take off your teacher hat and put on your learner beret. This is an opportunity to cross pollinate across learning areas and grade levels.
Our norms:
After we are done here , we will go to our groups. Each group has a task or challenge. You should allow about 25 - 30 minutes for the actual challenge and then use the rest of your time to share what you did and take pictures. You can share your pictures by emailing them to the address on the homepage of the website. It’s the same address that we used for Spirit week, just use the Subject Create.
- No idea is too crazy.
- Have fun with your project
- Have conversations with your group
- Designate a time keeper
- Share your work
There are 2 sessions. The second session ends at 9:40. We will then merge groups to read an article and give feedback. The article will be in your location. It is also online. Please do the feedback form (also online) after your read the article. There is also a link to add more materialsSchedule:
- Start as a whole group with directions above
- Watch the video
- Session 1 small groups
- Travel Challenge: Plan a trip to anywhere for $2000.00
- Dining Challenge: You have 5 ingredients, come up with an appetizer, main course and dessert
- Creative Writing
- Repurposed Poems: Take a page out of a book, Make a poem from the words and color out the rest
- Lego: Pick a card and make the object on the card
- Toxicity Challenge
- Active Challenge: team activities in the gym
- Session 2 small groups
- Travel Challenge: Plan a trip to anywhere for $2000.00
- Dining Challenge: You have 5 ingredients, come up with an appetizer, main course and dessert
- Body Language: acting out language
- Word Play Metaphors
- Photoshop: Make a card in Photoshop
- Lego: Pick a card and make the object on the card
- Bridge Challenge: Make a bridge out of 10 sheets of newspaper. You can have a length of sting and a length of tape. How many pennies will your bridge hold?
- Session 3 Larger groups for reading and reflection. We read The Creativity Imperative from ASCD October, 2013.
I like just having the opportunity to be creative in a different way. I also enjoy reversing roles and becoming a student again.
Felt energizing and fun. I liked working together with people whom I don't usually work.
PLEASE PLEASE include something like this that pushes us out of our comfort zones in a low-stakes manner. If we are going to continue to encourage students to take risks, we have to be willing to do so with each other as well. I also think that we need a better sense of how to foster creativity in our learning areas and how to assess it - now that it is a school wide expectation, we will have to assess it eventually. Thank you so much!!!!Thanks to my colleagues who put themselves out there to come up with an activity and facilitate. And thank you to our principal who let me take the risk to plan this day!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
Styling Embedded Google Calendars - Daffy for GAFE
tags: googleapps calendar scripts
Google Books for Personalized Learning - Juan De Luca
tags: googlebooks
High School Teachers Read Tweets About Themselves LOL *VIDEO*
Mapping Sheets - Google Sheets add-on
Plot your own data onto a Google Map directly from Google Sheets. Plotting your own data onto a Google Map is in great demand for business and individuals. The type of data we want to put on a map is all over the place, from business contacts to next week’s appointments, or simply your friends’ addresses. For the first time, the Mapping Sheets add-on provides an easy way to plot your data onto a Google Map directly from Google Sheets with just a few clicks. Plus, when viewing your data on the Google Map, you will have access to the fastest searching and filtering tools available.
tags: mapping googlesheets data googletools
"Demos and walk throughs of Apps Scripts and the new Add-ons."
Chrome Ninja Tips and Tricks - Flipped Events
tags: chrome chromeextensions chromeapps
Goobric: Assessing Student Work - YouTube
"Goobric is a Chrome Extension that allows teachers to use rubrics to automagically score student work. Grades are pasted into the doc and recorded in the original spreadsheet as well."
Everything you need to know about iTunes U - Features - Macworld UK
tags: iTunesU
27 Simple Ideas To Stimulate Creativity - Edudemic
tags: creativity
tags: googlescripts
Are You a Credible Technology Leader? - Leadership 360 - Education Week
tags: Leadership
Video: Full Show | Watch Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century Online | PBS Video
"Featuring the foremost thought leaders, innovators and practitioners in the field, Digital Media is a startling preview of a 21st Century education revolution."
tags: Digitalliteracy usmepc512 summertech2014 21stcenturylearning
tags: professionaldevelopment usmepc512 summertech2014 digitalliter Digitalliteracy creativity
DigitalStorytelling4Kids [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Sandbox
tags: Digitalliteracy play usmepc512 summertech2014 professionaldevelopment web2.0Tools
Hunger & Poverty : The Face of Hunger
tags: powerofone
I just heard on local public radio tonight - bes
tags: windowviewfavs
@alicebarr I just heard @abuaardvark on @world_affairs local public radio tonight - best summary of Arab Spring / ME crises I've ever heard
The Struggle for a New Middle East - World Affairs Council
@alicebarr is Amy Sanders on Twitter? Please share gr8 May 2012 lecture by @abuaardvark w her http://t.co/vvUhcnETEw
tags: windowviewfavs
Organize Your Google Drive with gClassFolders and Doctopus - YouTube
"This video gives an introduction to the process of setting up a class with gClassFolders and copying assignments into the student assignment folders. It is designed for first time users of gClassFolders, and shows just the basic/default setup and use."
tags: googlescripts googlescripting
Why "20% Time" is Good for Schools | Edutopia
tags: 20%Time
Curation Tools are Cool! – DEN Blog Network
tags: curation
Google Apps For Education: Should Your School Go Google? | Global Education Database
All About Curation 2 - YouTube
tags: curation richardbyrne usmepc512
it was a blast!Thank you for a great day of learni
tags: 20time edcampme windowviewfavs
@alicebarr it was a blast!Thank you for a great day of learning! Had to spread what @JoyKirr is doing to promote #20time #edcampme
Or arranged this way as a pool
@Heidibobeidi @alicebarr Or arranged this way as a pool http://t.co/IwjwFOzfOO #edcampme
tags: edcampme windowviewfavs
Authentic Learning Units with tech http://t.co/i3gOXeQAPx #edcampme @alicebarr
tags: edcampme windowviewfavs
Promoting creativity in the classroom has drawn a
tags: edcampme windowviewfavs
Promoting creativity in the classroom has drawn a crowd. #edcampme @alicebarr facilitating the conversation. http://t.co/y9qY9TC5Jr
sporting a spiffy lobster hat for . http://t.co/0O
tags: Edcampme windowviewfavs
@alicebarr sporting a spiffy lobster hat for #Edcampme. http://t.co/0Oe4BXNase
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
EdCamp Maine March 8, 2014
Yapp App
Schedule (Click on Day of Details)
Twitter Curator
Saturday, March 08, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
The Teacher's Guide To Twitter - Edudemic
tags: twitter
Digital Portfolios » Mapping Media to the Common Core
tags: wesfryer portfolio eportfolio
Teach Team Models #edcampme - Google Drive
tags: studenttechteam edcampme
tags: googleapps googletools
Google: Exploring Computational Thinking
"Note: Lessons include complete teacher editions, student worksheets, and any applicable Python programs. Examples include short exercises from core subjects with key CT concepts to consider. Programs include Python examples and exercises for teachers to enhance their existing lessons. Math lessons, examples, and programs are based on the Common Core Standards, while science materials are aligned with the California K-12 Content Standards. "
tags: programming coding python
tags: Geniushour 20%Time #edcampme
2014 - 2014-03-08 EdTechTeam Virginia Summit featuring Google for Education
tags: gafe gafesummit googleapps edtechteam
Gussy Up Your Google Site - VA GAFE Summit 2014 - Google Drive
tags: googlesites gafe
tags: portfolio portfolios eportfolio
MAp of Maine Schools using Google Apps
tags: maps maine googleapps
18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently
tags: creativity
Tech Tools for Assessing the “Soft” Skills | Tech Learning
"“What are the ‘soft’ skills employers want?” The U.S. Department of Labor links to a curriculum focused on teaching workforce readiness skills to youth ages 14-21 called “Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success.”"
tags: usmepc512 reading googletools googleapps ProfessionalDevelopment summertech2014
20 useful ways to use TodaysMeet in schools | Ditch That Textbook
tags: web2.0Tools todaysmeet
STEM seeds | a creative gaggle of STEM teachers sharing lesson ideas
Louisiana Google in Education Summit
tags: appsevents LouisianaSummit
10 awesome questions to get kids thinking deeper a
tags: windowviewfavs
10 awesome questions to get kids thinking deeper about books @WeAreTeachers http://t.co/2y7mVVRTOZ
Saturday, March 01, 2014
Weekly Links (weekly)
an infographic describing different types of teachers in a school.tags: usmepc512 infographic
Those of you who are Google Earth users will recognize many of "layers" datasets in this gallery but there is a lot more content than just those. From a Geo EDU perspective we are really keen on hearing from educators about which maps you end up finding most useful in the classroom. We also encourage feedback and constructive criticism on the maps and gallery as a whole.
As educators across the country continue to examine the best ways of teaching and learning, a new lexicon is beginning to emerge that describes one particular approach — deeper learning. The phrase implies a rich learning experience for students that allows them to really dig into a subject and understand it in a way that requires more than just memorizing facts."
tags: Google+ communiities
tags: creativity 2014.3.14
tags: gorhamms windowviewfavsAttending a Google Certification Course with @alicebarr at @ACTEM! Looking forward to a day of learning! #gorhamms @meseati
tags: GIEsummit windowviewfavs@plnaugle what a treat indeed! Please tell @alicebarr hi for me! #GIEsummit
tags: windowviewfavs@chieftainway Glad to hear it! Some great sessions coming today from @amollica @alicebarr @RBakerSC
tags: giesummit windowviewfavsGreat quote from @nkellogg at #giesummit "The number one use of Google Glass is for people having their photo taken wearing Google Glass"
So excited to be learning from @alicebarr, one Maine's finest, at Louisiana Google Summit. #GIE #LaGS http://t.co/E3ohPydpPV
Thanks to @kristenswanson, @LS_Karl, @montysays, @alicebarr, @debbyj18 for being great people to talk with about #edcamp. #BetterTogether
tags: windowviewfavs@kristenswanson @alicebarr We did a daily create activity at ours and we had more than 2x the sessions we needed!
tags: screencasts video
tags: Satchat windowviewfavsSaw someone tweet this idea the other day: Keep the research, ditch the paper. Apply findings in practice. #Satchat
tags: Google+ infographic
tags: googlesheets googleforms
tags: googledocs comment